01 Dec 2023

What happens in the mind during hypnosis?

woman surfing on sea

Imagine a state where your mind is deeply relaxed yet intensely focused. This is hypnosis. It’s a natural state we all experience daily—like when you’re so engrossed in a book or film that you lose track of time. In hypnosis, your mind is open and receptive, allowing for profound personal change.

When you’re hypnotised, several fascinating things happen in the mind:

  1. Relaxation of the Conscious Mind. Your conscious mind, the part that’s always analysing and thinking, takes a backseat. This allows your subconscious mind, the powerhouse of your thoughts, feelings, and memories, to become more accessible.
  2. Heightened focus and concentration. Your attention becomes laser-focused. This deep concentration makes you more open to suggestions that align with your goals, bypassing the usual mental barriers.
  3. Openness to new ideas. In this state, your mind is more receptive to positive suggestions. It’s not about losing control but gaining access to parts of your mind that help facilitate change.
  4. Enhanced creativity. Hypnosis taps into your imagination, making it easier to visualise and create mental images that support your desired outcomes.

What happens in the brain?

Research using brain imaging has has revealed intriguing changes in key areas of the brain during hypnosis:

  • Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC): This area is involved in attention and emotional regulation. During hypnosis, the ACC shows increased activity, correlating with heightened focus and concentration.
  • Prefrontal Cortex: Responsible for decision-making and problem-solving, the prefrontal cortex shows altered activity during hypnosis, which can help reduce critical judgement and increase openness.
  • Thalamus: This part of the brain acts as a relay station for sensory information. During hypnosis, changes in activity of this region help shift attention away from the external world and towards internal experiences.
  • Default Mode Network (DMN): The DMN is associated with self-referential thoughts and mind-wandering. Hypnosis alters activity and connectivity in the DMN, promoting a state of mindful presence and reducing self-criticism.

Brainwave activity has also been shown to change during hypnosis. Here’s what happens:

  • Beta Waves: These fast brainwaves (12-30 Hz) are linked to busy thinking and alertness. During hypnosis, beta wave activity typically decreases, reflecting a shift from critical thinking to a quieter mind.
  • Alpha Waves: These brainwaves (8-12 Hz) are associated with relaxed wakefulness and a calm, meditative state. During hypnosis, an increase in alpha wave activity reflects a state of relaxed focus.
  • Theta Waves: These slower brainwaves (4-7 Hz) are linked to deep relaxation and creativity. Hypnosis enhances theta wave activity, facilitating access to the subconscious mind.

The Solution Focused Approach

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFH) combines the principles of solution-focused psychotherapy with the benefits of a relaxed, focused, open and creative hypnotic state to bring about positive change.

This process can be beneficial to a range of challenges: reducing stress and anxiety, boosting confidence and self-esteem, improving sleep, overcoming unhelpful habits, and promoting overall mental and emotional wellbeing.

A real-life example

Let’s say Sophie wants to overcome her fear of public speaking. She feels nervous presenting in front of her colleagues at their Monday morning meetings. In a Solution Focused Hypnotherapy session, Sophie’s therapist guides her to focus on her strengths and past successes, and encourages her to imagine an ideal scenario in which she fearlessly delivers her presentation. While in hypnosis, Sophie receives positive suggestions about feeling calm and sure of herself while speaking in public. Over a few sessions, Sophie begins to notice she feels less anxious and more confident: she’s now looking forward to her chance to speak each Monday morning. Her mind, once dominated by fear, now supports her in achieving her goal.

Your mind holds boundless potential. The key is to learn how to use it. By understanding how the brain works, we can use techniques like hypnosis to unlock your potential and create the life you want.

Frances Billi-Holder
Clinical Hypnotherapist

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